Mrs. Anna Sabini the president of the Berceto Foundation was honored by the Friend of Radio Maria on November 13 2016.  

Anna Sabinini (Castognoli) was born in the small village of Montegroppo in the province of Parma, Italy Marc 27 1942. Growing up in a poor and humble family, Anna was the only child and had to help support her family. She left for France at 14 years 9old where she found a job in the lovely town Madelieu, Capitou on the French Riviera. She enjoyed her life in France- she lerned the Fench language, became close with her employer,s family and loved her work harvesting Mimosa for the perfumeries. It was in the summer when she returned home to visit her family and her village that she met Aldo Sabini, who was in Montegroppo on his own summer vacation (he had emigrated to New York city 10 years prior). Aldo and Anna wrote many letters and stayed in touch when he returned to New York. She returned to her work in France and he was drafted in the US army and shipped off to California but they continued to write and did not see each other for four years. When Aldo’s time in the US army was completed he returned to Montegroppo to marry Anna- July 23rd 1966. Aldo had to leave Italy again without Anna- but she joined him in New York later on that year on November 14th, 1966 for her permanent emigration to the United States along with her beloved mother , Rosa.

As newly weds, Anna and her husband settled in Astoria. Anna came to United States not knowing a word of English but her fluency in Italian, French and Spanish she began piecing together her new language as best she could. Before long she knew English well and found a job. She worked foe the same office cleaning company for 40 years and even became shop steward for the union, 32BJ. Anna worked evenings, her mother, Rosa, helped to take care of the children and this gave her the opportunity to do many other things during the day. Her mother lived with Anna, Aldo and their children until her death in 1996.

Anna has always been active in her community. When her children were little she was active in their school, she always been involved in her church, Immaculate Conception and is always available to lend a helping hand with whomever need it! Anna is a woman of strong faith and an exemplary Catholic in her community. Anna is Eucharistic Minister, a Minister of Consolation, member of the Pastoral Council, member of the Generation of Faith, Santa Marta Committee and coordinates many fundraising events for the Immaculate Conception Church. Through the years Anna and her husband Aldo have strengthened their faith by taking part in many pilgrimages such as Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupre’ Shrine, Asisi, Lourdes, Padre Pio, La Madonna di Loretto, Padua and of course Rome. Her volunteer work and dedication is not limited to her faith- she is also committed to helping her Italian community as well. She is currently the president of the Berceto Foundation and Board member of thee Italian Family club and The Parmigiana Club. She has been honored in Italy by the Mayor of Berceto, Luigi Lucchi, with an award for her volunteerism in August , 2013.

Her 50 years  in the United States with her husband Aldo have been busy and they raised two wonderful Children. Their daughter, Rosemary, is married  to Jeffrey and they live in Connecticut with their 3 children- Luc, Marc, Stella. Their son , George, is married to Geraldine and they live next door to Anna with their children Kelly and Patrick. Like her mother before her, Anna has helped raise all her grandchildren and enjoys spending time with them! Both Anna and Aldo, say they credit their grandchildren with keeping them young and active. Aldo and Anna have joyfully celebrated their 50 Anniversary this summer. They had wonderful summer celebration with a mass and luncheon with close family and friends as well as a  once-in-a-lifetime trip to Hawaii with their two children and all 5 of their grandchildren! Family and service is the joy of Anna’s life!

Claudio Pedretti is a stong supporter of the Berceto Foundation and has been supplying flowers  to the dances for decades.

Claudio Pedretti was born in Fidenza , a province of Parma, Italy in June 29, 1936. His parents were Laura Belli and Romeo Pedretti. Romeo was born in Fidenza an August 16, 1909, and Laura was born in New York on March4, 1916. Laura returned to Italy at age 5 and ultimately met Romeo and they were married in Fidenza on February 17, 1936. Along with Claudio, sister Fernanda was born on October 31, 1938 in Fidenza completing the family. Soon after came the beginning of World War 2, one of the most difficult times the family endured. Romeo was drafted into the Italian army and began 6 long years of not seeing him, leaving Laura to raise 2 small children. Romeo was deployed to Greece for 3 years where he was taken hostage by the German army. He spent the next 29 months in a camp in Dusseldorf, but was fortunate that he returned to us even though he was in bad shape. Upon his return, the family made plans to come to America.

 With the help of Laura’s brother, they arrived in America on April 7, 1956. Laura was able to reunite with the family she had left many years before. The family settled in Astoria with our extended family. Laura’s family supported us and Claudio ultimately landed a job in the restaurant business. Most of our family and friends were working in the restaurant  business so  it was an easy transition. After a few years working, Claudio was drafted into the American army and spent the next 18 months in Korea. Upon his return Claudio married former Josephine Figoni and her family are from Poggiolo, a small town outside Farini D’Olmo. Their family started with the birth of a son, Paul, on February 6, 1967 and was followed on August 14, 1969 with the birth of a daughter, Laura. After the birth of the children, Claudio decided that the restaurant industry was not conductive to spending time with family and decided to begin a new career in a new city of Syosset, in Long Island. In 1973 , Claudio began to work with his brother-in-law at one of his flower shops. Claudio was able to learn the business from someone who had shops in Manhattan and Long Island. After a few years, Claudio became the proud owner of Caesar Colonial Flower and Gift Shop. Claudio found his passion in the flower business. It really is a testament to his dedication and the professionalism of his staff, that has been with him for many years, that they are now booking wedding for the children of those parents they did the same for many years before. He is beginning his 43rd year  and retirement in not on the horizon anytime soon.

Claudio and Josephine have been married for 53 years and along with their 2 children now have six amazing grandchildren: Brianna, Rose, Alexa, Carissa, Luke and Ava. He is also blessed to have his in-laws Pietro and Candida who at the age of 100 and 97 respectively have been married for 76 years. Even while working a full schedule, Claudio spends 2 weeks a year in his timeshare in the Caribbean and a month in Italy.

He is active in the son of Italy organization along with other regional organization to ensure the Italian heritage that made him what he is today continues to inspire other young Italians.

Summary of Berceto foundation Journal
From Jan 13 to June 15 ,1967- The first Berceto dace was scheduled for April 28  at the 
Summary of Berceto foundation Journal
From Jan 13 to June 15 ,1967- The first Berceto dace was scheduled for April 28  at the 
Summary of Berceto foundation Journal
From Jan 13 to June 15 ,1967- The first Berceto dace was scheduled for April 28
Summary of Berceto foundation Journal
From Jan 13 to June 15 ,1967- The first Berceto dace was scheduled for April 28
Summary of Berceto foundation Journal
From Jan 13 to June 15 ,1967- The first Berceto dace was scheduled for April 28  at the 

Lino Spagnoli

Lino Spagnoli

Lino Spagnoli was born on June 16, 1925, in Casa Corbella, Bergotto, nel Comune di Berceto.  He was the fourth of 6 children born to Giuseppe and Palmina (Grassi) Spagnoli.
    During World War II, Lino fought with "Partigiani" in the Italian resistance against the Fascist and Nazi occupation
 of Italy. He was captured by German forces,esacaped from a Berceto jail,and continued to serve in the 
mountains around Bergotto and San Bernardo.  In September, 1950, he married Dina Pellerzi and emigrated to the United States. They lived in Manhattan, on 48th Street and Second Ave, later moving to 55th Street. 
        He started work as a bus boy and waiter at the "21 Club" in Manhattan, then left the restaurant to open a liquor store -- Palin Liquors -- with partner, Pasquale Lacerra.  After retiring from the business, Lino went to work as the "maitre d" in the Delegates Dining Room of the United Nations.
Lino and Dina bought a home in the Bronx and had three sons, all of whom attended Fordham University.  Lino was most proud of his family, his heritage, and his American citizenship.  He enjoyed hunting and fishing.  He enjoyed playing cards with friends and singing old Italian songs.  Most of all, he enjoyed being with family and close friends.         Lino loved the members of Berceto Foundation, whom he considered his extended family. He was devoted to the charitable causes and the camaraderie of the group.. He served as president from 1992 to 1999 and was instrumental in the Foundation's donating an ambulance to the commune of Berceto.  Lino loved bringing his wife and sons to the dinner dances at Glen Island Casino, Villa Bianca and other venues over the years...and, all in all, was a pretty good dancer. 
       Lino Spagnoli died on August 29, 2015, at the age of 90 years old.  He will be terribly missed by his family and his many loyal friends.  He leaves behind three sons: Dennis and wife Lourdes, Robert, Kevin and wife Kimberly; and his sister Antonia Galli. He is pre-deceased by his sister Anna Corpieri and his brothers: Mario, Don Alberto, and Alfredo Spagnoli.  He was buried in Woodlawn cemetery

Hugo Bacchioni
The above pictures were supplied by Ugo Bacchioni which include present and past members and friend of the Bercetese club . Ugo was born in NY 12/01/1923 at the age of 3 when his mother died his grandfather took him back to Berceto there he went to school and met  a girl,  Elsa Franceschini, who later became his wife ( date  ). As a young man his grandfather brought him to Fontanellato to work on his vineyards. As WWII started he was drafted in the Italian army and shipped to Yougoslavia as a machine gun operator. As the war progress poorly for the Italian army Hugo and six other soldiers decided to walk back to Italy and joined the partigiani. After the war his father brought him back to the NY and became citizen the 2nd time Jan 10, 1956. While here he worked in restaurants and eventually opened his restaurant in  Manhattan as the "407 club", with two bocce ball courts , later he opened the Milan Bar in Corona and Rudy in Springfield Blvd. He always has been involved in Italian community as a member of the Bercetese Foundation and President of the Lega Parmigiana.

Peter Spagnoli 1921-2012

By Carol (Spagnoli) Schiavi



Peter Spagnoli was born on November 1, 1921 in Borgo Val di Taro, a little town, nestled in a picturesque valley in the Apennine Mountains of northern Italy.  Peter was the second son born to Emilio and Ernesta (Dellapina) Spagnoli.   (The Dellapina family was better known by their nickname, “il Gein”.)  Two years later, in 1923, Emilio, Ernesta and their two sons, Aldo and Peter, crossed the Atlantic and landed in the “promised land”, the USA.  After passing through Ellis Island, the Spagnoli family made their new home in New York City, a far cry from the quiet countryside of the Borgo.  They found an apartment on 60th Street overlooking the 59th Street Bridge on the east side of Manhattan.  It was there that Peter would later enter his destiny as a professional musician and devotee of Valtaro music.  When Peter was 10 years old, a friend of the family came to live with them.  His name was John Brugnoli, affectionately known as “Scud’lein.”  Scud’lein, an accordionist and composer from Borgo Val di Taro, offered to teach Peter the accordion in exchange for room and board.  Peter took to it like a duck takes to water, so his parents bought him his first accordion – a secondhand one that cost about $25. Scud’lein taught him to read music and to play by ear.  Most of the music Peter learned was folk songs from the Valtaro region, but many of these tunes were not written down.  He learned by hearing them sung, listening with a keen ear, and then by playing them with his teacher.  Early on in his music career, another friend of the family, Johnny Valentini, took Peter to play the accordion for the military at Governor’s Island.  This was Peter’s first gig.  For some reason, Johnny bought him a Spanish costume to wear and even though Peter only knew two songs, it didn’t seem to matter.  It wasn’t long before Peter had a bigger repertoire and was using his musical skills to earn a little spending money.  For $3.00 Pete would play all night at a local bar, the “Emiliana,” and also at some little “holes in the wall,” as he puts it.  Peter continued his music lessons for four years in the accordion studios of Pietro Diero.  There he honed his musical skills, as he received instruction in accordion technique and classical training.


            In 1936, Scud’lein and Pete DelGrosso, also known as “Filumena,” opened up “The Valtaro,” a cabaret on Second Avenue and 46th Street.  It soon became popular for the dance music of their home town.  Scud’lein and Filumena were the standard duo, but Peter and other accordionists, like Emilio Chiesa, played there as well.  The unique sound of the Valtaro music was created by having two accordions playing a duet – one the melody, the other the harmony.  The waltzes, mazurkas, and two steps from the Valtaro region were the main stay of their repertoire.  Eventually, Peter would play at “The Terrace,” a cabaret that his father, Emilio, and Scud’lein bought in 1939.  It was located uptown on Second Avenue and 59th Street.  The Terrace came with two “in-house” and excellent musicians, a pianist, Norma McFeeters, a black woman from the West Indies, and a drummer, Willy Wohlman who was Jewish.  Before long, the two of them were playing Valtaro as if it was part of their own DNA.  Together with accordionists Mindy Cere, Scud’lein and Peter, on occasion, they became a tight knit band and The Terrace became a stomping ground for Valtaro aficionados.  The place also became a local employment center and marriage bureau.  Many “paesans” came together to enjoy the music and dancing and some had the extra bonus of meeting their future spouse.  In 1943, during World War II, Peter joined the Air Force.  For the next three years he put away his accordion and became a navigator for the B24 bomber and later the B29.  He returned to civilian life in 1946 and went right back to playing at The Terrace on a steady basis.  It was during this time that he, in fact, met his own girl of his dreams, Dilma Viotti.  They tied the knot on Easter Sunday, 1948.  Peter desired to impart his ability and knowledge of the instrument so characteristic of the folk and romantic sound of the music of Europe.  He became a teacher at the Elsie Bennett Accordion Studio in Brooklyn.  He taught there for several years until he opened up a studio of his own.  Through word of mouth and because of his good reputation, Peter amassed quite a number of accordion students.


            Peter continued playing at The Terrace with Norma at the piano until the 1960’s.  During this time he expanded his repertoire to a more diverse and international flavor.  Other bandleaders would ask him to play gigs like weddings.  At these affairs he was able to meet and share the bandstand with other excellent musicians.  Peter’s reputation preceded him and was well deserved.  His musicianship and flare for knowing how to stir a crowd resulted in his becoming a well-known and popular bandleader, providing music for weddings, formal affairs, political dinners and even for Bar Mitzvahs and Communions.  Some of his clientele included people such as Metropolitan Opera singers, political figures, actors and clergy.  His talent was indisputable, whether performing solo or with a ten piece band.  Peter played music of all kinds – from big band, Latin, pop, to rock no roll, but his signature style was the beloved Valtaro.  That is what he was best known for.  That is where he came from.  Many of Peter’s accordion students caught his love for Valtaro, thus passing it on to the next generation.  One such student, Dominic Karcic, a gifted accordionist and bandleader is dedicated to keeping the music of Valtaro alive and thriving.  During his career Peter recorded two long playing records with his respected teacher, Scud’lein, featuring folk songs of Valtaro.  “Balliamo e Cantiamo Con Valtaro.”  Canto I Due Menestrelli  (Fiesta Records FLPS 1542) and an instrumental, “Valtaro Musette”:  Popular Italian Favorites (Fiesta Records FLPS 1515).  Peter has been recognized for his excellence and years of service in the field of music.  In 1994, he received the “Man of the Year” Award by the Valtarese Foundation.  Peter was also honored by the Committee of Berceto Foundation and Xaverian Missionary Fathers, il Comune di Borgo Val di Taro, and The American Accordionists’ Association, to mention a few.


            After an illustrious career of over 50 years, Peter officially retired in 1995 but did not put away his accordion for good.  He currently makes “guest appearances” at places like Magnanni Winery and other venues where the Valtaro music is featured.  His latest guest appearance was at his granddaughter’s wedding in June 2005.  He opened the Valtaro set with what has come to be his grandchildren’s favorite, “Tutti Mi Chiamano Bionda.”  Today, Peter lives in Whitestone, Queens with his wife, Dilma, of 63 years.  They have two married daughters, four grandchildren, and a recent great grand child.  His musical legacy did not stop with him, but was passed on to one of his daughters and two grandchildren who have followed in his talented footsteps.

Summary of Berceto foundation Journal  This is a short biography on how and who was involved in the 2nd Berceto Foundation group. (Summarized from a Log Journal)

From Jan 13 to June 15 ,1967- The first Berceto dace was scheduled for April 28  at the oyster Bay Cateres but at the suggestion of Ed Moglia it was rescheduled to the Crystal Ball on June 10. 
There were 72 tables sold (10 persons or more) and the net profit was $2340. Donation from the rafle were given by Louis Rozzo, Amos Ferreri, Frank Malpeli, Arthur Giliotti, Serafina Ricci,Cyrano 
Restaurant, Bruno Bozzi (Palm) Nat Donini . Risponsible for the Dance were:Frank Brusini, Mario Raccasi, Vic Mariani, Ed Moglia, Peter Donini, Dan Ponzi, Lou Rossi, Eliso Cavazzini, Joe Lucchi,
Joe Basteri, Joe Cavazzini, Peter Spagnoli(music). During this period Lino Pietrantoni with his legal work was able to incorporate and have a tax exempt
status under the name of Berceto Foundation Inc, and Friend of Berceto Club inc. 
Sept.21 1967 to Jan 19,1968- Peter Donini returns from vacation in Italy and suggests that Berceto need an Old Perason Home, and also an Ambulance as the money from  the dance is still in the 
Berceto Foundation account. The purchase price for the land to build the home is quoted by the mayor to be 12.000.000 lira and he would give a report. At next meeting a suggestion was to invite 
the mayor to the event but Donini and Lucchi rejected the idea because the mayor was not cooperating with making a report.New member was Opilio Manfredi.Next scheduled dance March 30 by Dan Ponzi.
Jan. 29,1968 to April 10,1968- Lucchi spoke about the report received from the mayor and the many inconsistancies that were stated. On ther next meeting Lucchi composed a letter in reply to the 
report of the mayor and with coopration of Basteri and Pietrantoni a final copy was completed. Vic Mariani suggested to donate $100 to the Sicilian earthquake.
Sep 5,1968- Nat Donini reported about the meeting he had with the mayor while vacationing in Berceto. He was told the Italian government had appropriated 20.000.000 lire for the home and they found 
different location for the land at half the cost. The mayor also suggested that he is willing to forget the previous differences and work toghether for the home.New members Phil Gazza, Arthur McDonald.
January 9 to May 1, 1970- 7 meeting were held , discussed items were Nat Donini was honored by the Italian goverment. Lino Pietrantoni had passed and a memorial was considered for him.father Frosi
sent letter thanking the memmbers for the gift of $500 in memory of Lino.The comitte also agrred to send Fr. Frosi $150 as Fr. Maloney announced that Fr. Frosi was elevated to bishop.Next dance was
scheduled for april 26.1970, the Mayor will attend, and The Casa di Riposo will soon be started.Profit from the dance $2460.00.The comittee included Frank Brusini,Nat & Peter Donini, Eddie Moglia, Tilio Granelli
Eliseo Cavazzini,Joe Lucchi, Gene Pietrantoni,, Louis Rossi, Mario Raccasi, Gino Cavazzini, Peter Spagnoli, Fred Malfredi, David Zoni,Phill Gazza,Bruno Laurenti,Lino Spagnoli.
Jan 5,1971 to May 13 1971- 5 meeting were held about scheduling the next dance but it was learned that The Bedoniede was having a spring dance and the members decided not to have a dance.Also 
discussion were made to start a travel agency. Lino Spagnoli announced that he had reserved the Crystal Palace for April 22, 1972 for a saturday nite event.
January 7,1972 to May 25, 1972-8 meetings were held- Topic of discussions were: profit from the dance was $3385, A check for $3500 will be sent to the Mayor for the construction of the residence. 
the Bedoniese dance was held on Feb 6 members were incouraged to attend. Letter from the mayor was read that he will be not be able to attend the dance , but there was progress in the 
building of the Casa di Riposo. Final cost of the building will be 52.000.400 lira ($38.000). New member Norman Perduzzi.
April 6, 1973- Joe Lucchi gave up his post as president of the Berceto foundation and Peter Spagnoli was nominated president.Joe also thanked the comettee
that beacause of their dedication he was awarded Cavaliere of Italy.
Jan 7 1974 to May 31 1974- 7 meetings were held Dance scheduled for april 16, price per ticket was raised to $6 and $3 for children.A letter sent from Gino Cavazzini mayor of Berceto was read at 
the meeting which thanked the comittee for their financial help. 
February 28, 1975 to November 21 1975- 5 meeting were held, Joe Basteri was electeed president Dave Zoni VP, Joe Cavazzini Treasurer and Phill Gazza Secretary.Dance was scheduled for 1st Sunday of April
256 guests attended the dance, Lino Spagnoli scheduled the dance with Villa Bianca for April 3 1976.
January 16,1976 - May 12, 1976- 5 meeting were held Dance was held April 3 a color TV costing $260 was raffled, total attendance was 248 guests. total profit was $2488 . John Pietrantoni will deliver the check
to the mayor during the summer vacation.
January 21 - April 16, 1977- 6 meetings were held, Dan Ponzi mentioned the passing of John Pietrantoni, Dave Zoni suggested a plaque for the Casa Di Riposo, with the name of Lino and John, Dance was hels on 
April 16, 275 guests, price $18 per person, held at Villa Bianca.
February 28, - October 25 1978- 4 meetings were held, Feb 28 and April 4 meeting were held at Oggi Restaurant (Hugo Bacchioni), other meeting were held at Our Lady of Peace on 61 street.Dance was scheduled 
in April at Villa Bianca 303 tickest sold. 
February 1, 1979 - April 12, 1979- Special dance at Villa Bianca was scheduled for the St. Bernardo Chapel in Bergotto, Chair and co-chair were Joe Olari and Rino Spagnoli,180 guest attended.The regular 
dance was held in April 1 Mayor Cavazzini attended 315 guests and a profit of $3371.Members making these dances possible were:Joe Basteri,Joe Lucchi, Dave Zoni, Hugo Bacchioni, Mario Raccasi, 
Louis Rossi, Lino Spagnoli, Phill Gazza, Gino Cavazzini, Eliseo Cavazzini, Rino Spagnoli, Joe Olari, Dan Ponzi,Nat Donini, Peter Spagnoli,Silvio Schiavi.
January 31, - April 21 1980- 4 meeting were held, dance scheduled for Sunday March 30, 300 guests, profit $3600, Mayor of Berceto will attend, Saturday before dance Dave Zoni gave dinner at il 
Vagabondo for the mayor.
April 5, - November 9, 1981- 7 meeting were held, Father Franco with the aproval of Mayor Cavazzini would like some of the money scheduled for the Bernardo Chapel to be used for the church in Bergotto.
Peter Spagnoli also requested some momey for Avis organization in Borgotaro. Dance was scheduled for March 15 at Villa Bianca, $30/person267 guests profit $3000, for St. Bernardo.
January 25 - Nov 1 1982- 8 Meetings were held topics discussed: Valmozzolo was having a dance on April 25, 242 guest at the Berceto Dance,talks about not having Prime rib but a Buffet at Villa Bianca, 
profit $1800 wigh will be devide between the St. Bernardo chapel and the Curch of Bergotto (San Martino.)
February 23, - April 27, 1983- 4 meeting were held, new member Tony Consigli, 241 guests at the dance profit $2900.
January 26 - November 1 1984- 3 meeting were held, letter from Marie Gaglione stating that Father Zanoni will be celebrating his 25 anniversary as a prist, Hugo bacchioni suggessted the foundation buy him a 
gift and present at the dance.Dance scheduled April 1 cost $32.50 /person.
January 31 1985 - October 30 1985- 8 meeting were held, Joe Lucchi suggested that a new accountant be found since Joe Cavazzini had worked enough and the load was great, previous mayor Cavazzini wrote letter
requesting that he be made the person rapresenting the Casa di Riposo, memmber did not want to reply since irt look like a polital situation between the old mayor and the new mayor.Dance was March 24 profit $3388.
Jan9 1986 - Sept 23 , 1986- 7 meeting were held, Rino spagnoli stated that the mayor will attend the dance, letter was read from the former mayor saying that he did all the work rgard the Casa di Riposo and now is
is beeing dismissed, the foundation will private dinner for the mayor, the priest of Bergotto will give the invocation at the dance, Hugo bacchioni stated that the Casa di Riposo is now controlled by the Comune, 
Centa Maraffi will be contacted to rapresent the Foundation in Berceto.Dance was scheduled for April 6 at Villa Bianca $37/person.New member Celia Pietrantoni.
Jan 15 -Feb 5 1987- Dance scheduled for April 5 $39/person, discussed at meeting gettin letterhead for stationary and bumper stickers with the foundation member Laurie ALaurenti.
Feb 17 , 1988- april 25 1988- Dance scheduled for April 7 $42/ person profit $4166, Emma Lucchi honored guest.
Jan 9, 1989 - May 8,1989 3 meetings dance was schedule for 3 sunday in april at $45/person.This was the last entry in the jurnal .Members risponsible for the dances were Celia Pietrantoni, Jenini Gazza,David Zoni,
Joe Olari, Rino Spagnoli,Joe Basteri, Tony Cosigli, Peter Spagnoli,Hugo Bacchioni, Joe Lucchi, Mario Raccasi, Julie Laurenti, Dan Ponzi, Lino Spagnoli, Gino Cavazzini, Fr Maloney. Phil Gazza,Fr Zanoni, Bernardi.

Summary of Berceto foundation Journal
From Jan 13 to June 15 ,1967- The first Berceto dace was scheduled for April 28  at the 

Summary of Berceto foundation Journal
From Jan 13 to June 15 ,1967- The first Berceto dace was scheduled for April 28  at the oyster Bay Cateres but at the suggestion of Ed Moglia it was rescheduled to the Crystal Ball on June 10. 
There were 72 tables sold (10 persons or more) and the net profit was $2340. Donation from the rafle were given by Louis Rozzo, Amos Ferreri, Frank Malpeli, Arthur Giliotti, Serafina Ricci,Cyrano 
Restaurant, Bruno Bozzi (Palm) Nat Donini . Risponsible for the Dance were:Frank Brusini, Mario Raccasi, Vic Mariani, Ed Moglia, Peter Donini, Dan Ponzi, Lou Rossi, Eliso Cavazzini, Joe Lucchi,
Joe Basteri, Joe Cavazzini, Peter Spagnoli(music). During this period Lino Pietrantoni with his legal work was able to incorporate and have a tax exempt
status under the name of Berceto Foundation Inc, and Friend of Berceto Club inc. 
Sept.21 1967 to Jan 19,1968- Peter Donini returns from vacation in Italy and suggests that Berceto need an Old Perason Home, and also an Ambulance as the money from  the dance is still in the 
Berceto Foundation account. The purchase price for the land to build the home is quoted by the mayor to be 12.000.000 lira and he would give a report. At next meeting a suggestion was to invite 
the mayor to the event but Donini and Lucchi rejected the idea because the mayor was not cooperating with making a report.New member was Opilio Manfredi.Next scheduled dance March 30 by Dan Ponzi.
Jan. 29,1968 to April 10,1968- Lucchi spoke about the report received from the mayor and the many inconsistancies that were stated. On ther next meeting Lucchi composed a letter in reply to the 
report of the mayor and with coopration of Basteri and Pietrantoni a final copy was completed. Vic Mariani suggested to donate $100 to the Sicilian earthquake.
Sep 5,1968- Nat Donini reported about the meeting he had with the mayor while vacationing in Berceto. He was told the Italian government had appropriated 20.000.000 lire for the home and they found 
different location for the land at half the cost. The mayor also suggested that he is willing to forget the previous differences and work toghether for the home.New members Phil Gazza, Arthur McDonald.
January 9 to May 1, 1970- 7 meeting were held , discussed items were Nat Donini was honored by the Italian goverment. Lino Pietrantoni had passed and a memorial was considered for him.father Frosi
sent letter thanking the memmbers for the gift of $500 in memory of Lino.The comitte also agrred to send Fr. Frosi $150 as Fr. Maloney announced that Fr. Frosi was elevated to bishop.Next dance was
scheduled for april 26.1970, the Mayor will attend, and The Casa di Riposo will soon be started.Profit from the dance $2460.00.The comittee included Frank Brusini,Nat & Peter Donini, Eddie Moglia, Tilio Granelli
Eliseo Cavazzini,Joe Lucchi, Gene Pietrantoni,, Louis Rossi, Mario Raccasi, Gino Cavazzini, Peter Spagnoli, Fred Malfredi, David Zoni,Phill Gazza,Bruno Laurenti,Lino Spagnoli.
Jan 5,1971 to May 13 1971- 5 meeting were held about scheduling the next dance but it was learned that The Bedoniede was having a spring dance and the members decided not to have a dance.Also 
discussion were made to start a travel agency. Lino Spagnoli announced that he had reserved the Crystal Palace for April 22, 1972 for a saturday nite event.
January 7,1972 to May 25, 1972-8 meetings were held- Topic of discussions were: profit from the dance was $3385, A check for $3500 will be sent to the Mayor for the construction of the residence. 
the Bedoniese dance was held on Feb 6 members were incouraged to attend. Letter from the mayor was read that he will be not be able to attend the dance , but there was progress in the 
building of the Casa di Riposo. Final cost of the building will be 52.000.400 lira ($38.000). New member Norman Perduzzi.
April 6, 1973- Joe Lucchi gave up his post as president of the Berceto foundation and Peter Spagnoli was nominated president.Joe also thanked the comettee
that beacause of their dedication he was awarded Cavaliere of Italy.
Jan 7 1974 to May 31 1974- 7 meetings were held Dance scheduled for april 16, price per ticket was raised to $6 and $3 for children.A letter sent from Gino Cavazzini mayor of Berceto was read at 
the meeting which thanked the comittee for their financial help. 
February 28, 1975 to November 21 1975- 5 meeting were held, Joe Basteri was electeed president Dave Zoni VP, Joe Cavazzini Treasurer and Phill Gazza Secretary.Dance was scheduled for 1st Sunday of April
256 guests attended the dance, Lino Spagnoli scheduled the dance with Villa Bianca for April 3 1976.
January 16,1976 - May 12, 1976- 5 meeting were held Dance was held April 3 a color TV costing $260 was raffled, total attendance was 248 guests. total profit was $2488 . John Pietrantoni will deliver the check
to the mayor during the summer vacation.
January 21 - April 16, 1977- 6 meetings were held, Dan Ponzi mentioned the passing of John Pietrantoni, Dave Zoni suggested a plaque for the Casa Di Riposo, with the name of Lino and John, Dance was hels on 
April 16, 275 guests, price $18 per person, held at Villa Bianca.
February 28, - October 25 1978- 4 meetings were held, Feb 28 and April 4 meeting were held at Oggi Restaurant (Hugo Bacchioni), other meeting were held at Our Lady of Peace on 61 street.Dance was scheduled 
in April at Villa Bianca 303 tickest sold. 
February 1, 1979 - April 12, 1979- Special dance at Villa Bianca was scheduled for the St. Bernardo Chapel in Bergotto, Chair and co-chhair were Joe Olari and Rino Spagnoli,180 guest attended.The regular 
dance was held in April 1 Mayor Cavazzini attended 315 guests and a profit of $3371.Members making these dances possible were:Joe Basteri,Joe Lucchi, Dave Zoni, Hugo Bacchioni, Mario Raccasi, 
Louis Rossi, Lino Spagnoli, Phill Gazza, Gino Cavazzini, Eliseo Cavazzini, Rino Spagnoli, Joe Olari, Dan Ponzi,Nat Donini, Peter Spagnoli,Silvio Schiavi.
January 31, - April 21 1980- 4 meeting were held, dance scheduled for Sunday March 30, 300 guests, profit $3600, Mayor of Berceto will attend, Saturday before dance Dave Zoni gave dinner at il 
Vagabondo for the mayor.
April 5, - November 9, 1981- 7 meeting were held, Father Franco with the aproval of Mayor Cavazzini would like some of the money scheduled for the Bernardo Chapel to be used for the church in Bergotto.
Peter Spagnoli also requested some momey for Avis organization in Borgotaro. Dance was scheduled for March 15 at Villa Bianca, $30/person267 guests profit $3000, for St. Bernardo.
January 25 - Nov 1 1982- 8 Meetings were held topics discussed: Valmozzolo was having a dance on April 25, 242 guest at the Berceto Dance,talks about not having Prime rib but a Buffet at Villa Bianca, 
profit $1800 wigh will be devide between the St. Bernardo chapel and the Curch of Bergotto (San Martino.)
February 23, - April 27, 1983- 4 meeting were held, new member Tony Consigli, 241 guests at the dance profit $2900.
January 26 - November 1 1984- 3 meeting were held, letter from Marie Gaglione stating that Father Zanoni will be celebrating his 25 anniversary as a prist, Hugo bacchioni suggessted the foundation buy him a 
gift and present at the dance.Dance scheduled April 1 cost $32.50 /person.
January 31 1985 - October 30 1985- 8 meeting were held, Joe Lucchi suggested that a new accountant be found since Joe Cavazzini had worked enough and the load was great, previous mayor Cavazzini wrote letter
requesting that he be made the person rapresenting the Casa di Riposo, memmber did not want to reply since irt look like a polital situation between the old mayor and the new mayor.Dance was March 24 profit $3388.
Jan9 1986 - Sept 23 , 1986- 7 meeting were held, Rino spagnoli stated that the mayor will attend the dance, letter was read from the former mayor saying that he did all the work rgard the Casa di Riposo and now is
is beeing dismissed, the foundation will private dinner for the mayor, the priest of Bergotto will give the invocation at the dance, Hugo bacchioni stated that the Casa di Riposo is now controlled by the Comune, 
Centa Maraffi will be contacted to rapresent the Foundation in Berceto.Dance was scheduled for April 6 at Villa Bianca $37/person.New member Celia Pietrantoni.
Jan 15 -Feb 5 1987- Dance scheduled for April 5 $39/person, discussed at meeting gettin letterhead for stationary and bumper stickers with the foundation member Laurie ALaurenti.
Feb 17 , 1988- april 25 1988- Dance scheduled for April 7 $42/ person profit $4166, Emma Lucchi honored guest.
Jan 9, 1989 - May 8,1989 3 meetings dance was schedule for 3 sunday in april at $45/person.This was the last entry in the jurnal .Members risponsible for the dances were Celia Pietrantoni, Jenini Gazza,David Zoni,
Joe Olari, Rino Spagnoli,Joe Basteri, Tony Cosigli, Peter Spagnoli,Hugo Bacchioni, Joe Lucchi, Mario Raccasi, Julie Laurenti, Dan Ponzi, Lino Spagnoli, Gino Cavazzini, Fr Maloney. Phil Gazza,Fr Zanoni, Bernardi.
Summary of Berceto foundation Journal
From Jan 13 to June 15 ,1967- The first Berceto dace was scheduled for April 28  at the 
Summary of Berceto foundation Journal
From Jan 13 to June 15 ,1967- The first Berceto dace was scheduled for April 28  at the oyster Bay Cateres but at the suggestion of Ed Moglia it was rescheduled to the Crystal Ball on June 10. 
There were 72 tables sold (10 persons or more) and the net profit was $2340. Donation from the rafle were given by Louis Rozzo, Amos Ferreri, Frank Malpeli, Arthur Giliotti, Serafina Ricci,Cyrano 
Restaurant, Bruno Bozzi (Palm) Nat Donini . Risponsible for the Dance were:Frank Brusini, Mario Raccasi, Vic Mariani, Ed Moglia, Peter Donini, Dan Ponzi, Lou Rossi, Eliso Cavazzini, Joe Lucchi,
Joe Basteri, Joe Cavazzini, Peter Spagnoli(music). During this period Lino Pietrantoni with his legal work was able to incorporate and have a tax exempt
status under the name of Berceto Foundation Inc, and Friend of Berceto Club inc. 
Sept.21 1967 to Jan 19,1968- Peter Donini returns from vacation in Italy and suggests that Berceto need an Old Perason Home, and also an Ambulance as the money from  the dance is still in the 
Berceto Foundation account. The purchase price for the land to build the home is quoted by the mayor to be 12.000.000 lira and he would give a report. At next meeting a suggestion was to invite 
the mayor to the event but Donini and Lucchi rejected the idea because the mayor was not cooperating with making a report.New member was Opilio Manfredi.Next scheduled dance March 30 by Dan Ponzi.
Jan. 29,1968 to April 10,1968- Lucchi spoke about the report received from the mayor and the many inconsistancies that were stated. On ther next meeting Lucchi composed a letter in reply to the 
report of the mayor and with coopration of Basteri and Pietrantoni a final copy was completed. Vic Mariani suggested to donate $100 to the Sicilian earthquake.
Sep 5,1968- Nat Donini reported about the meeting he had with the mayor while vacationing in Berceto. He was told the Italian government had appropriated 20.000.000 lire for the home and they found 
different location for the land at half the cost. The mayor also suggested that he is willing to forget the previous differences and work toghether for the home.New members Phil Gazza, Arthur McDonald.
January 9 to May 1, 1970- 7 meeting were held , discussed items were Nat Donini was honored by the Italian goverment. Lino Pietrantoni had passed and a memorial was considered for him.father Frosi
sent letter thanking the memmbers for the gift of $500 in memory of Lino.The comitte also agrred to send Fr. Frosi $150 as Fr. Maloney announced that Fr. Frosi was elevated to bishop.Next dance was
scheduled for april 26.1970, the Mayor will attend, and The Casa di Riposo will soon be started.Profit from the dance $2460.00.The comittee included Frank Brusini,Nat & Peter Donini, Eddie Moglia, Tilio Granelli
Eliseo Cavazzini,Joe Lucchi, Gene Pietrantoni,, Louis Rossi, Mario Raccasi, Gino Cavazzini, Peter Spagnoli, Fred Malfredi, David Zoni,Phill Gazza,Bruno Laurenti,Lino Spagnoli.
Jan 5,1971 to May 13 1971- 5 meeting were held about scheduling the next dance but it was learned that The Bedoniede was having a spring dance and the members decided not to have a dance.Also 
discussion were made to start a travel agency. Lino Spagnoli announced that he had reserved the Crystal Palace for April 22, 1972 for a saturday nite event.
January 7,1972 to May 25, 1972-8 meetings were held- Topic of discussions were: profit from the dance was $3385, A check for $3500 will be sent to the Mayor for the construction of the residence. 
the Bedoniese dance was held on Feb 6 members were incouraged to attend. Letter from the mayor was read that he will be not be able to attend the dance , but there was progress in the 
building of the Casa di Riposo. Final cost of the building will be 52.000.400 lira ($38.000). New member Norman Perduzzi.
April 6, 1973- Joe Lucchi gave up his post as president of the Berceto foundation and Peter Spagnoli was nominated president.Joe also thanked the comettee
that beacause of their dedication he was awarded Cavaliere of Italy.
Jan 7 1974 to May 31 1974- 7 meetings were held Dance scheduled for april 16, price per ticket was raised to $6 and $3 for children.A letter sent from Gino Cavazzini mayor of Berceto was read at 
the meeting which thanked the comittee for their financial help. 
February 28, 1975 to November 21 1975- 5 meeting were held, Joe Basteri was electeed president Dave Zoni VP, Joe Cavazzini Treasurer and Phill Gazza Secretary.Dance was scheduled for 1st Sunday of April
256 guests attended the dance, Lino Spagnoli scheduled the dance with Villa Bianca for April 3 1976.
January 16,1976 - May 12, 1976- 5 meeting were held Dance was held April 3 a color TV costing $260 was raffled, total attendance was 248 guests. total profit was $2488 . John Pietrantoni will deliver the check
to the mayor during the summer vacation.
January 21 - April 16, 1977- 6 meetings were held, Dan Ponzi mentioned the passing of John Pietrantoni, Dave Zoni suggested a plaque for the Casa Di Riposo, with the name of Lino and John, Dance was hels on 
April 16, 275 guests, price $18 per person, held at Villa Bianca.
February 28, - October 25 1978- 4 meetings were held, Feb 28 and April 4 meeting were held at Oggi Restaurant (Hugo Bacchioni), other meeting were held at Our Lady of Peace on 61 street.Dance was scheduled 
in April at Villa Bianca 303 tickest sold. 
February 1, 1979 - April 12, 1979- Special dance at Villa Bianca was scheduled for the St. Bernardo Chapel in Bergotto, Chair and co-chhair were Joe Olari and Rino Spagnoli,180 guest attended.The regular 
dance was held in April 1 Mayor Cavazzini attended 315 guests and a profit of $3371.Members making these dances possible were:Joe Basteri,Joe Lucchi, Dave Zoni, Hugo Bacchioni, Mario Raccasi, 
Louis Rossi, Lino Spagnoli, Phill Gazza, Gino Cavazzini, Eliseo Cavazzini, Rino Spagnoli, Joe Olari, Dan Ponzi,Nat Donini, Peter Spagnoli,Silvio Schiavi.
January 31, - April 21 1980- 4 meeting were held, dance scheduled for Sunday March 30, 300 guests, profit $3600, Mayor of Berceto will attend, Saturday before dance Dave Zoni gave dinner at il 
Vagabondo for the mayor.
April 5, - November 9, 1981- 7 meeting were held, Father Franco with the aproval of Mayor Cavazzini would like some of the money scheduled for the Bernardo Chapel to be used for the church in Bergotto.
Peter Spagnoli also requested some momey for Avis organization in Borgotaro. Dance was scheduled for March 15 at Villa Bianca, $30/person267 guests profit $3000, for St. Bernardo.
January 25 - Nov 1 1982- 8 Meetings were held topics discussed: Valmozzolo was having a dance on April 25, 242 guest at the Berceto Dance,talks about not having Prime rib but a Buffet at Villa Bianca, 
profit $1800 wigh will be devide between the St. Bernardo chapel and the Curch of Bergotto (San Martino.)
February 23, - April 27, 1983- 4 meeting were held, new member Tony Consigli, 241 guests at the dance profit $2900.
January 26 - November 1 1984- 3 meeting were held, letter from Marie Gaglione stating that Father Zanoni will be celebrating his 25 anniversary as a prist, Hugo bacchioni suggessted the foundation buy him a 
gift and present at the dance.Dance scheduled April 1 cost $32.50 /person.
January 31 1985 - October 30 1985- 8 meeting were held, Joe Lucchi suggested that a new accountant be found since Joe Cavazzini had worked enough and the load was great, previous mayor Cavazzini wrote letter
requesting that he be made the person rapresenting the Casa di Riposo, memmber did not want to reply since irt look like a polital situation between the old mayor and the new mayor.Dance was March 24 profit $3388.
Jan9 1986 - Sept 23 , 1986- 7 meeting were held, Rino spagnoli stated that the mayor will attend the dance, letter was read from the former mayor saying that he did all the work rgard the Casa di Riposo and now is
is beeing dismissed, the foundation will private dinner for the mayor, the priest of Bergotto will give the invocation at the dance, Hugo bacchioni stated that the Casa di Riposo is now controlled by the Comune, 
Centa Maraffi will be contacted to rapresent the Foundation in Berceto.Dance was scheduled for April 6 at Villa Bianca $37/person.New member Celia Pietrantoni.
Jan 15 -Feb 5 1987- Dance scheduled for April 5 $39/person, discussed at meeting gettin letterhead for stationary and bumper stickers with the foundation member Laurie ALaurenti.
Feb 17 , 1988- april 25 1988- Dance scheduled for April 7 $42/ person profit $4166, Emma Lucchi honored guest.
Jan 9, 1989 - May 8,1989 3 meetings dance was schedule for 3 sunday in april at $45/person.This was the last entry in the jurnal .Members risponsible for the dances were Celia Pietrantoni, Jenini Gazza,David Zoni,
Joe Olari, Rino Spagnoli,Joe Basteri, Tony Cosigli, Peter Spagnoli,Hugo Bacchioni, Joe Lucchi, Mario Raccasi, Julie Laurenti, Dan Ponzi, Lino Spagnoli, Gino Cavazzini, Fr Maloney. Phil Gazza,Fr Za
Summary of Berceto foundation Journal
From Jan 13 to June 15 ,1967- The first Berceto dace was scheduled for April 28  at the oyster Bay Cateres but at the suggestion of Ed Moglia it was rescheduled to the Crystal Ball on June 10. 
There were 72 tables sold (10 persons or more) and the net profit was $2340. Donation from the rafle were given by Louis Rozzo, Amos Ferreri, Frank Malpeli, Arthur Giliotti, Serafina Ricci,Cyrano 
Restaurant, Bruno Bozzi (Palm) Nat Donini . Risponsible for the Dance were:Frank Brusini, Mario Raccasi, Vic Mariani, Ed Moglia, Peter Donini, Dan Ponzi, Lou Rossi, Eliso Cavazzini, Joe Lucchi,
Joe Basteri, Joe Cavazzini, Peter Spagnoli(music). During this period Lino Pietrantoni with his legal work was able to incorporate and have a tax exempt
status under the name of Berceto Foundation Inc, and Friend of Berceto Club inc. 
Sept.21 1967 to Jan 19,1968- Peter Donini returns from vacation in Italy and suggests that Berceto need an Old Perason Home, and also an Ambulance as the money from  the dance is still in the 
Berceto Foundation account. The purchase price for the land to build the home is quoted by the mayor to be 12.000.000 lira and he would give a report. At next meeting a suggestion was to invite 
the mayor to the event but Donini and Lucchi rejected the idea because the mayor was not cooperating with making a report.New member was Opilio Manfredi.Next scheduled dance March 30 by Dan Ponzi.
Jan. 29,1968 to April 10,1968- Lucchi spoke about the report received from the mayor and the many inconsistancies that were stated. On ther next meeting Lucchi composed a letter in reply to the 
report of the mayor and with coopration of Basteri and Pietrantoni a final copy was completed. Vic Mariani suggested to donate $100 to the Sicilian earthquake.
Sep 5,1968- Nat Donini reported about the meeting he had with the mayor while vacationing in Berceto. He was told the Italian government had appropriated 20.000.000 lire for the home and they found 
different location for the land at half the cost. The mayor also suggested that he is willing to forget the previous differences and work toghether for the home.New members Phil Gazza, Arthur McDonald.
January 9 to May 1, 1970- 7 meeting were held , discussed items were Nat Donini was honored by the Italian goverment. Lino Pietrantoni had passed and a memorial was considered for him.father Frosi
sent letter thanking the memmbers for the gift of $500 in memory of Lino.The comitte also agrred to send Fr. Frosi $150 as Fr. Maloney announced that Fr. Frosi was elevated to bishop.Next dance was
scheduled for april 26.1970, the Mayor will attend, and The Casa di Riposo will soon be started.Profit from the dance $2460.00.The comittee included Frank Brusini,Nat & Peter Donini, Eddie Moglia, Tilio Granelli
Eliseo Cavazzini,Joe Lucchi, Gene Pietrantoni,, Louis Rossi, Mario Raccasi, Gino Cavazzini, Peter Spagnoli, Fred Malfredi, David Zoni,Phill Gazza,Bruno Laurenti,Lino Spagnoli.
Jan 5,1971 to May 13 1971- 5 meeting were held about scheduling the next dance but it was learned that The Bedoniede was having a spring dance and the members decided not to have a dance.Also 
discussion were made to start a travel agency. Lino Spagnoli announced that he had reserved the Crystal Palace for April 22, 1972 for a saturday nite event.
January 7,1972 to May 25, 1972-8 meetings were held- Topic of discussions were: profit from the dance was $3385, A check for $3500 will be sent to the Mayor for the construction of the residence. 
the Bedoniese dance was held on Feb 6 members were incouraged to attend. Letter from the mayor was read that he will be not be able to attend the dance , but there was progress in the 
building of the Casa di Riposo. Final cost of the building will be 52.000.400 lira ($38.000). New member Norman Perduzzi.
April 6, 1973- Joe Lucchi gave up his post as president of the Berceto foundation and Peter Spagnoli was nominated president.Joe also thanked the comettee
that beacause of their dedication he was awarded Cavaliere of Italy
 Log events of the Xaverian Dances: This is a short Biography of the Xaverian Missions and the Berceto Foundation began a relationship. (Summarized from a Log Journal)
May 5.1965- Nov 18, 1965- 'The first meeting of our 3rd Annual Xaverian dance" (therefore Xaverian dance originated in 1962) President Dan Ponzi and dance committee were F. Brusini, Basteri, Nat Donini, and Pietrantoni.Bruno of Joe's restaurant contacted Joe Basteri if it was possible to raise money for a 4 years old Italian girl  who is having open heart surgery in NY. 555 tickets were sold raffles donation were given by Mc Donald, Ponzi, Guido Restaurant, Cyrano,Front Page,Pen & Pencil, etc. Total profit $2195.
Sept 15, 1966- Oct 20, 1966- Lino Spagnoli returning from Italy suggested that money be raise for Old Age Home. Nat Donini, also suggested that, but said there is a lot of opposition to the home, so if money is raise it could be used for the poor in Berceto.(1967 was the first Bercetese dinner dance)).  582 Dinner tickets were sold for Glen Island Casino, a profit of $1700.
Meeting Nov 1,1966 " we were informed by Joe Cavazzini thart the dance was a huge success $1700 profit 575 dinners sold. New slate of officers for the 1967 dance 
committee Vic Mariani Chairmen, Joe Bastieri Secretary,  Elisio Cavazzini Table Comittee,Joe Cavazzini Treasurer, Delma Spagnoli Set comittee, Dan Ponzi Ticketn  Chair, Lino Pietrantoni Patron Com.
 Joe Lucchi Co-chair Mario Raccasi Door Com. Peter Spagnoli Music Director, Frank Stagnari Raffle com. Lori Rossi Raffle Co-chair,Frank Brusini Table Com Eddie Moglia,Al Ricci, Phil Gazza,Door Committee."
July 11,1967-"Our first meeting for the Xaverian Fathers dance was held and Father Frosi attended the meeting.The dance will be held on Oct 22,1967 Nat Dinini, Lino Pietrantoni and  
Frank Brusini Will make arrangment withe Glen Island Casino. Dinners will be $8 adults and $5 children under 12.
Aug 23,1967- " Tickets were distributed for the coming dance. Joe Lucchi gave a report of his visit to Berceto. The mayor promised a complete itemized cost for the pending Old age 
Home. The talk was 9,000,000 lira for the land and $100,000 to $125,000 for the building.Joe Lucchi suggested that if the renovate the old municipal building it would save a lot." 
Sept 21,1967- "present were Joe Basteri, Dan Ponzi, Father Frosi, Ed Moglia,Vic Mariani,Peter and Nat Donini, Joe Lucchi, Gino Cavazzini,Phil Gazza, Frank Brusini, Lori Rossi,Arturo
 Gremaldi. Vic Mariani suggested urgency in getting prizes and for the girls to sell raffle tickets at the dance.Artie Mc Donald suggested girls were ribbons while selling tickets.
Artie McDonald donated15 bottle of liquor and prosciutto, Dan Ponzi 2 bottles of scotch, Donini 1 Ham and 6 liquors, Rossi 1 Lambrusco, Lino Spagnoli Galiano and Pate Grais, Dellapina 2
  2 dinners.
Oct 27, 1967-"Dan Ponzi calls meeting to order result of dance total. Dinners 572 profit $2300.Dan Ponzi suggested of making a list of the Donors
June 19, 1968-'Meeting to form new committee. Phil Gazza Chairman, Mario Borini Vice Chairman, Joe Cavazzini Treasurer, Joe Basteri Secretary, Vic Mariani Patron Chairman, Peter Donini,
Gino Cavazzini, Mario Raccasi Raffle Com. Frank Brusini, Eddie Moglia, Freddie Malfredi Reservatio Com. Louis Rossi Nat Donini, Elisio Cavazzini, Lino Spagnoli Door Com. Dan Ponzi Ticket 
treasurer.Peter Spagnoli suggested to get new members in the committen and to ask Norman Peduzzi and Joe Ranghino of Beacon Drive Clermont NY 12077. 
Oct 8, 1968- "We received the following Raffle pledges; Frank Brusini, 1 case of liquor and prosciutto, Nat Donini 1/2 case of wisky and ham, E moglia 1 case of vermouth, Frank Brusini 
will contact Cyrano, La Forchette for dinners and D Ponzi will contact Mario's Front Page. Father Pelerzi will make the invocation at the dance.
Oct 28, 1968- Result of the dance, Father James and Father Frank were present with the committee members. Received many compliments on the wonderfull time at the dance. Phil Gazza 
complimented peter Spagnoli for the job as music director. Tentative Christmas dance Wed Dec 11.
February 28, 1969- Present at the meeting were: Joe Basteri,Peter and Nat Donini, Frank Brusini, Father Frances, Joe Lucchi, Dan Ponzi, Mario Raccasi, Joe Cavazzini, Peter Spagnoli,
 Phil Gazza, Angelo Schiavi, Freddie Manfredi. The next dance date Oct 19, 1969. Tickets will be $10 aduklts and $6 children.
April 11 1969- " The following members were present: Joe Lucchi, Father Maloney, Dan Ponzi,  Eddie Moglia, Mario Raccasi, Peter Donini, Freddie Manfredi, Frank Brusini and Lino Spagnoli. 
The talk was how to give a memorial for Lino (Pietrantoni?)Father Maloney spoke to the wife Mary and she suggested a memorial windo in her Halliston church, Father also suggested a 
Tabernacle in Wayne.Joe Basteri increased the dues to members to $9.99.The Treasurer for the Berceto Foundation was Mario Raccasi
May 8 1969- " Meeting called to order Mario Borini our chairman announced that he has been promoted to Director of Income Tax and will not be able to attend most meetings. Menue was 
 set for the next dance $4.65 plus tip per person. New committe for dance selected.Mario Borini Chairman, Gene Pietyrantoni Honorary Chairman, Mario Raccasi Journal Chairman Peter
 Donini Raffle Chair, Peter Spagnoli Music director, Victor Mariani Patrob Chair,Dan Ponzi Ticket Chair, Joe Basteri SecretaryFrank Brusini Vice Chair. Ed Moglia Freddie Manfredi,
 Silvio Schiavi,Lino Spagnoli Bruno Laurenti, Nat Donini, Luis Rossi, Elio Cavazzini,Gino Cavazzini, Phill Gazza, Joe Cavazzini, are Door and Raffle Committe.
 Next dance October 19.1969, many meeting were held from May 25 to October 22 to discuss the Labor trouble At the Glen Island Casino catering hall to the $10 price for the tickets and 666 
dinners sold menu was shrimp Cocktail, Prime ribs Icecream and coffe. Additional profit of $2080 was made from people advetising on their Journal.Present at these meeting were Father Maloney, Father Tomaso
whos spoke at the dinner and Frank Brusini, Joe Basteri,Joe Lucchi, Nat & Pete Donini, Phil Gazza, Freddi Manfredi, Lino Spagnoli, Arthur Mc Donald,Bruno Laurenti, Gino & Eliso Cavazzini, Peter & Delmo
Spagnoli,Tilo Granelli, Gene Pietrantoni, Louis Rossi, Sylvio Schiavi, Dan Ponzi, Ed Moglia, Peter Spagnoli.
Next Meeting June 23,1970 thru  Oct. 29,1970 Besides previous members Dave Zoni and Anthoni Morisco joined the club. Father Maloney announced the death of Father Pelerzi's mother.
Aproximately 500 guests attended. Christmas lucheon for the members set for Dec 11. 
Next meeting were scheduled from June 11,1971 to Octobern 25. Dance was scheduled for October1 17, 550 guests attended the dance. Louis Rossi was chairman of the Dance. Discussed was
Glen Island raised their dinner price from $4.50 to $6.50 + 15% tip, Trip to Italy. Raffle included: TV, Electric oven,case of liquor, ham, lambrusco, 2 dinners at La Forchette of Creminini.
Next Meetings from January 20,1972 to Nov. 10 1972-Dinner costs were checked at Asotria Manor fro $10.50 and Riccardo's at $ 8.00 the dance was still held at Glen Island after some barganing 
with Mr. Bardolotto about the cost. Fr. Zanoni replaced Fr. Maloney, Joe Lucchi was made Cavaliere by the goverment and also was leaving for a job in Albany. New members of the comittee are
Bruno Laurenti, John Pietrantoni, Al Ricci, Nancy Raccasi, Norman Pedruzzi. 570 tickets were sold with aprofit of $2500.This was the 10Th annual dance.
Next metting from Feb. 26,1973 to Oct. 21 date of dance.Dave Zoni was able to deal with Glen Island and set a price for full dinner for $7.00 so the tickets were now $12.50 for adults 
and &8.50 for children. New member was John Delnovo. Peter Spagnoli suggested to send free tickets to the dance to Delgrosso and Brugnoli and give the an an plaque by the AAA. Also the 
annouced was the death of P. Spagnoli's father. Total tickets sold 747.
Next meetings May 31,1974 to Nov.1, 1974- Dance was scheduled at end of October, 465  guests were presents. At these meetings J Basteri suggested the dance to have a duak function so as the share 
some of the money with the Family club. The members to make these dances successfull were Joe Basteri Chairman Dave Zoni co-chairman Joe Cavazzini,Phil Gazza,peter Spagnoli (music)Gino Cavazzini,
Louis Rossi, Nat Donnini,Mario Raccasi,Sylvio Schiavi, Tilio Granelli, Eddie Moglia, John Pietrantoni, Lino Spagnoli,Joe LucchiFr. Zanoni,Noramn Pedruzzi,Fr. Ruggero,Dan Ponzi,Elisio Cavazzini.
Next 5 Meetings from May 22,1975 to Oct. 28- Dance was scheduled for Octber 19 at Villa Bianca. At the meeting it was discussed to have more prizes to avoid the Vagabondo winning most of them , also discussed 
was to have people pay 1/2 the ticket if they cancel 10 days prior to dance, also Peter Spagnoli thanked Fr. Zanoni for the award given to Peter.Profit for dance $2500.
Next 5 meetings from May 12,1976, to Oct 1976- Lino Spagnoli elected Chairman of the dance, New member Rino spagnoli joined, Joe Basteri read letter from Mayor of Berceto rthanking him for the money.
also Joe suggeste to send &100 to the eathquake victims in northen Italy.
Next 5 meetings from April 5,1977 to Nov.3, 1977- New member and Chairman of the dance Joe Olari, dance scheduled for Oct.23 and total guests were 294.$17 per person.
Next 5 Meeting from April 25,1978 to Oct.25, 1978- Dance was scheduled at Villa Bianca, ,for October 22,Phill Gazza Chairman meetings were hels at Our Lady of Peace and the family club.
Total guests 256,new member Hugo Bacchioni.
Next Meetings April 12,1979 to Oct.19- Phil Gazza chairman, Dinner price was set at $20.00 with roast beef and no cocktail hour, meeting were held at OLBH and Phil's house 
Next meetings April21,1980, to Nov16- Discussed was The St Bernardo of Bergotto church's dance, Work was done inside but still need outside plastering.Also mentioned of John Pietrantoni's daughter
Laura's death and a donation Xaverian missions. Mermbers risposible for the dance were; Fr.Zanoni, Hugo Bacchioni, Joe Olari, Phill Gazza,Joe Basteri,Louis Rossi, Nat Donini, Elisio Cavazzini, Lino Spagnoli,
Dave Zoni,Rino Spagnoli,Peter Spagnoli.
Next Meetings Jan 5, 1981 to Nov. 9- Chairmen Nat Donini and Louis Rossi, price $25/perso $16 /child, a color TV was part of the raffle.
Next Meetings April 19, 1982 to Nov. 4- Phil Gazza Chairman Total guest 160 total profit dance & raffle $3230, Brian Little was guest singer for $75 dinner $27.50 /person. Discussion were had to find a place in 
City Island for next dance, were price was $20/person.

Summary of Berceto foundation Journal
From Jan 13 to June 15 ,1967- The first Berceto dace was scheduled for April 28  at the 

Summary of Berceto foundation Journal
From Jan 13 to June 15 ,1967- The first Berceto dace was scheduled for April 28  at the 
Summary of Berceto foundation Journal
From Jan 13 to June 15 ,1967- The first Berceto dace was scheduled for April 28  at the 
Summary of Berceto foundation Journal
From Jan 13 to June 15 ,1967- The first Berceto dace was scheduled for April 28  at the 
Summary of Berceto foundation Journal
From Jan 13 to June 15 ,1967- The first Berceto dace was scheduled for April 28  at the 

Summary of Berceto foundation Journal
From Jan 13 tdalla presidente, Signora Anna Conti, con la diretta collaborazione del Signor Ugo Bacchioni, della Signora Delma Delsignore e con l'aiuto di molti volontari. Come sempre la Festa e' per offrire un’occasione a tutti i Paesani emigrati dall’Appenino da 30 a 50 anni fa di riunirsi. Le conversazioni sono molto animate e sempre vertono sui ricordi. Come era bella e semplice la vita anni fa, ma adesso ci vuole la la licenza anche per andacelebrata, qui a New York (Astoria), un'altra Festa della Bercetese Foundation a beneficio dei Missionari Saveriani di Parma. La Festa e’ stata organizzata dalla presidente, Signora Anna Conti, con la diretta collaborazione del Signor Ugo Bacchioni, della Signora Delma Delsignore e con l'aiuto di molti volontari. Come sempre la Festa e' per offrire un’occasione a tutti i Paesani emigrati dall’Appenino da 30 a 50 anni fa di riunirsi. Le conversazioni sono molto animate e sempre vertono sui ricordi. Come era bella e semplice la vita anni fa, ma adesso ci vuolLa festa e’ iniziata con una ringraziamento da Padre Frank delle Missioni Saveriane e un benvenuto a tutti dalla nostra Presiden
